Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Is Your Fitness Routine Getting Stale?

Have you been doing the same fitness routine for a while?  Are you getting bored with the order or type of exercises?  Have you hit a plateau?  Now is the time to try something new.

Performing the same routine every time you work out may seem like a good thing.  However, just as your mind can become bored with repeating activity, so can your muscles.  By switch your routine or activity every 4-6 weeks, you will wake up your mind and body AND burn more calories!!  Performing a new activity allows the brain to send more signals to muscles to "learn" the motion.  This in turn causes the muscles to work harder, thus burning more calories.

Not ready to try a new activity?  Instead, change the order of your exercises.  Or add a different type of cardio.  If you usually walk or run on the treadmill, try a stair climber or arc trainer.  The "new" activity doesn't have to be something you have never done before; just something you haven't done in a while. 

If you are willing to try something new, why not try a new group exercise class like Zumba or yoga?  Try out new machines at the gym.  Start a new bodyweight exercise routine that doesn't require equipment.  Go to the pool and workout in the water.  There are many ways to add variety to your workouts.

Still stumped at what to do?  Why not sign up for a few sessions with a personal trainer?  Let the trainer do all the thinking for you...all you have to do is show up and sweat a little!!

Contact us for a little help with your exercise program.  Our trainers can take you to a new level and help boost your metabolism.  Don't be a slave to your routine...try something new, try something different, get your body moving!!

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