Friday, September 30, 2011

Are You Ready For Exercise?

You know exercise is good for you.  You've heard the success stories of weight loss when coupling proper nutrition with exercise.  Have you tried it yet?  Are you skeptical?  Are you making changes? 

Every day we make decisions about what is best for us, our family, and our financial well-being.  Some people have a process they go through before making a decision...weighing pros and cons, determining financial commitment, talk with family members.  Others take the "fly-by-the-seat-of-their-pants" approach and make decisions without much preparation or planning.  Regardless of the decision-making system, sometimes our decisions are good ones and other times, not so good.

Whatever method you practice, we all go through the same "stages of change".  This is a model was developed by Dr. Prochaska and colleagues at the University of Rhode Island back in the late 1970s.  The official name is "Transtheoretical Model of Behavioral Change" but is more commonly known as TTM or "stages of change".  Their theory assesses an individual's readiness to act on a new healthier behavior, and provides strategies, or processes of change to guide the individual through the stages of change to action and maintenance.  In layman's terms, there are certain steps we all go through when a change is made in our life.

The stages are as follows:
  1. Precontemplation - not deciding to make a change, regardless of effectiveness of the outcome
  2. Contemplation - thinking about making a change but not quite ready to commit
  3. Preparation - made the decision to make a change, now getting ready to begin
  4. Action - changes have been begun and positive outcomes are seen
  5. Maintenance - new behavior is in place and now the focus is on retaining this behavior
  6. Termination - new behavior is constant and there is 100% commitment to continue
Which stage are you in?  If you are in stage 1 (Precontemplation) then just keep reading our blog.  Someday you will find it in you to want to make some changes to your lifestyle.  Those of you who are in stage 2 (Contemplation), definitely keep reading this (and future) blogs.  Arm yourself with the knowledge of the benefits of exercise and proper nutrition.  Ask questions, ask for advice, explore your options, decide what's best for you.  Find out what is preventing you from starting an exercise program.  Stage 3 (Preparation) is where you should start making a plan.  If you are in this stage, begin to figure out what goals you what to achieve through exercise and proper nutrition. 

Those of you who have made it to stage 4 (action)...keep up the good work!  You have begun to see the positive effects of taking good care of your body and mind.  Don't stop now!  Keep making those healthy decision.  If you've made it to stage 5 (maintenance) or stage 6 (termination), I stand up and applaud you.  Positive changes have been made in your lifestyle and you saw (and continue to see) the benefits.  You are healthier, you've improved your quality of life and your outlook on life in general is much better.

Take a moment to think about why you want to start and exercise regime.  Do it for yourself, not just because the doctor told you to or because your significant other says you must do this "or else".  Although those are good reasons, you must be ready mentally to make the change or you will not be successful.  We here at PROMATx Health Club can help you determine which stage you are in and whether you really are ready to make some positive health behavioral changes.

To quote Mr. Spock..."Live long and prosper".  We are here for you, come in and see how we can help!

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