Friday, February 22, 2013

Prenatal Yoga

Here's another installation from our trainer-mom-to-be, Catilin Massey.

If you are pregnant and looking for a workout that is safe and beneficial for the baby, try doing some yoga.  Yoga is known for its benefits of improving flexibility, muscle tone, balance, and circulation, and lowering blood pressure.  All of these are good for your baby, but also good for prepping mom for delivery by strengthening muscles, loosening the joints, and reinforcing relaxation techniques.  Prenatal yoga classes are also a great way to meet and connect with other moms to build a supportive community.  Follow these tips for a safe and healthy yoga routine.
FIRST TRIMESTER:  If you are inexperienced with yoga, find an instructor or prenatal yoga class to ensure you are doing poses safely and effectively.
SECOND TRIMESTER:  Joints are beginning to loosen so be sure not to overstretch.  Be cautious with balance poses as your expanding belly will alter your sense of balance.  Sink into poses slowly to avoid injury.  Avoid laying flat on your back to keep blood flowing to baby.
THIRD TRIMESTER:  Use a chair or the wall to assist in balance and don't hold poses too long (1min or less).
  1. No lying on your back for more than a few minutes as this will restrict blood flow causing dizziness, shortness of breath, and nausea. 
  2. Skip advanced poses if you are unfamiliar with them, and in your third trimester skip them even if you are a pro. 
  3. Avoid core poses, deep bending, and twisting as you are more likely to tear muscles due to the hormones your body is releasing. 
  4. Lastly, absolutely NO Bikram or Hot Yoga as this is VERY dangerous for your current state and for baby!
If you still need assistance with prenatal exercise, come in to PROMATx Health Club and talk with one of our fitness professionals.  In the meantime, check out this video to get some good ideas for your yoga workout.


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