Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Post-Workout Protein

Most people have heard that eating protein after a workout is important, but why, how much, and from where do you get it?  Protein is made of complex strands of amino acids that are important for your skin, hair, nails, brain function, immune system, and are the building blocks of your muscles.  When you participate in a vigorous strength training workout, your muscles break down, actually developing tiny tears in the fibers.  This isn't dangerous, but it is important to repair these micro tears.  The amino acids in protein act as the healing agent to your muscles.  Not only does protein repair the tear, but it repairs the fiber bigger and stronger than before to ensure it is capable of handling that load the next time.  You see this change with gains in strength and an increase in lean mass.  

So how much protein should you be consuming?  This depends on your activity level and the amount of lean mass you currently have.  The more strenuous activity you participate in (muscularly), the more protein you need.  Additionally, the more lean mass you possess, the more protein you need.  Generally experts recommend eating between one-half to equal amount of grams of protein per pound of body weight per day depending on the above stated factors and your fitness goals (please note that this information is not recommended for individuals with kidney or liver disease as these individuals should follow their doctors protein guidelines). For example, if you weigh 160lbs, you will want to shoot for 80 to 160 grams of protein per day.  If you have a low body fat percentage (meaning a lower ratio of your weight comes from fat and a higher ratio of your weight comes from lean mass) or you participate in a vigorous strength training regiment (heavy loads 4-6 days per week), you will want to consume a higher amount of protein.  Try to eat a post-workout snack consisting of 15-20 grams of protein within 30 minutes after your workout to deliver a protein shot to your muscles to stimulate recovery.  

When it comes to selecting your sources of protein, your most beneficial source will come from animal proteins such as lean chicken, beef, and dairy.  These sources have "complete" strands of amino acids and are therefore most beneficial to the body.  Vegetable protein sources found in nuts, legumes, and seeds are also beneficial; however, they are what are considered "incomplete" sources of protein. This means you must mix and match sources to form a complete, usable strand of amino acids, versus animal protein which is more of a "one stop shop" protein source.  Getting enough protein can seem like a daunting task for some, but it is important for muscular transformation.  It is best if you consume your protein from natural sources but supplements can be a helpful aid to supplement your protein intake if need be.  Experts agree that a whey protein supplement is most beneficial because whey protein is easily broken down, meaning it is delivered quickly to the muscles.  When shopping for a supplement look for one with a low amount of fat and sugar.  There are many different kinds, some boasting high quantities of protein, but be sure to read the nutrition label because these tend to also have large amounts of fat and sugar as well.

Try these high protein post workout snacks:
Chicken, Turkey, or Tuna Sandwich (3oz meat on wheat bread)
Hard boiled egg (2-3) yolks included
5 oz Greek yogurt
8-16oz low fat chocolate milk
1 scoop whey protein with water or milk

Still have questions about protein and how much you should have?  Schedule an appointment with our nutrition specialist today to learn more.

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