Now is the time you can make a conscious effort to think about where you food comes from and how you can make better choices. Where can you start? Stop by the Lexington Farmer's Market on May 19 and look for the Food Revolution Day table. Grab some info on choosing fresh, unprocessed foods then peruse the many vendors from Central Kentucky and load up on some spectacular, locally-grown fruits and vegetables.
Meal planning isn't difficult but it does take some effort on your part. When grocery shopping, take your time and look at food labels. Compare brand items and watch for hidden sugars and fats. Shop the perimeter of the store where the fresh foods are and stay away from the processed food aisles. Not sure what to do with all the fresh foods? Take a cooking class or search healthy eating websites for tasty (and healthy) recipes. Better yet, talk with the farmers/growers at the farmer's market and find out how the best enjoy their products.
Take a stand and vow to make a difference in your family's eating habits. Choose a different fruit and vegetable each week to "highlight" in your kitchen. Experiment with different tastes and textures. You never know, you just might find new items to add to your dinner table. Get your family (kids too) involved in meal preparation so it becomes a fun thing to do together. You will be teaching your children better eating habits and how to make wiser food choices.
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