Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Exercising with Chronic Back Pain

Do you suffer from a chronic ailment or pain?  Well, take comfort in knowing you’re not the only one out there!  One of our long-time members, Sally Blake, wanted to share her story in hopes that it will inspire others also dealing with chronic pain.  Here's a Q&A session between Sally and her trainer, Amanda Tovar.

  • Describe the issue you are currently having with your back.
    • I have chronic back pain.  My back is very tight and I constantly feel a dull ache in my lower back.  I must take Advil every morning to deal with the pain.
  • How long have you dealt with chronic back pain?
    • About a year.
  • How has this affected your workouts?
    • I definitely have more limitations than I used to.  It can be very frustrating at times.  I feel like my body is older than my age. 
  • What has helped you stay motivated through this?
    • Maintaining a healthy body weight is very important to me.  That is a major motivation in itself.  Also, I know that not exercising will worsen my condition.
  • In what ways has your trainer helped you out?
    • You (Amanda) always gear my workouts towards gaining strength in my back.  You also do exercises with me to help loosen my back muscles.  We work a lot on my balance to prevent injuries.  You keep me motivated to keep coming to the gym!!
  • What would you say to someone with chronic pain who wants to start (or restart) exercising?
    • To really put forth an effort even though it will not be easy and most likely be uncomfortable.  It is definitely worth the effort.  It will help you in the long run!! 
If any of this rings true in your life, don’t let it get you down!  Take control by learning exercises that are right for you and be consistent in doing them!  Take a lesson from Sally Blake, “it’s worth the effort"!
Need more help getting started?  Come in a talk with a trainer here at PROMATx Health Club to find out how we can get you on the path to controlling your pain through exercise and stretching.

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