Thursday, January 3, 2013

Resolution or Revolution?

It's here...a new year.  If you are like many, you probably have made some new year's resolutions.  Are they the same as last year or the year before that?  Maybe it's time to make a different kind of change.  How about starting a "REVOLUTION"??  Look up revolution in the dictionary and you'll find the definition:  a sudden, complete, or marked change in something.  Let's make that "something" be you!!  Refer back to our post last year at this time about setting goals/resolutions.

Shake things up in your life by committing to changes in your lifestyle.  Don't go cold-turkey on everything but take baby steps.  Replace one unhealthy habit/action/food with a healthier version.  Get up off the couch, put away the electronics and get active.  We've all said it before..."I don't have time to workout or go to the gym" yet we spend hours on our smart phones, tablets, and computers.  Refer back to any of our hundreds of blogs about how to exercise and what you can do to activate your day.

Start a revolution in your house by cleaning out heavily processed foods.  Replace soda bottles with water bottles.  Start a revolution in your body by committing to a healthy breakfast every day.  Yes, I said EVERY DAY!  Starting your metabolism off in the right direction in the morning will set the tone for the rest of the day.   It will also help you make better choices.  Get the whole family involved in making better, more nutritious food choices.  Spend a few more nights at home with a healthy, home-cooked meal.

Revolt against high rising health insurance premiums by taking control of your health.  No one else will do it for you so step up and take action.  Check with your health care provider to see if they offer discounts if you participate in healthy activities or join a local health club.  Some employers may even reimburse you for the cost of your membership!!

Revolt against the rising number of diseases such as obesity and heart disease.  Don't become one of the statistics.  It's your life and your body and you only get one life to live.  Make it the best and you (and your family) will reap the benefits.

Take control and start your revolution today!!

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