Monday, January 28, 2013

Joseph's Tips for Quick Fat Loss!!

Here's another blog entry from one of our trainers, Joseph Mattingly.

How do I quickly lose fat?  The million dollar question right?  Every day we hear so many answers to this question.  Countless programs attempt to answer this, with so much conflicting information, so many products, so many infomercials.  The following is a mostly exhaustive list, of my own personal beliefs, gained from experience, studies of recent scientific research, and my own anecdotal observations from training others for 5 years, along with training myself and friends since high school. 
  1. No wheat or gluten-containing products.  This includes the obvious like cereal, bread, pizza, pasta, pastries etc., and the not-so-obvious, like basically any man-made snack, including pretzels, peanut butter crackers, to whole wheat pitas.  Gluten is everywhere, so be on the look for it on packages, and better yet just avoid man-made foods which will make things much easier. 
  2. At least one salad with greens every day.  No iceberg lettuce here.  We are talking spinach, radicchio, etc. 
  3. Overall general diet makeup that consists of Protein, Good Fats, and Low be consumed in that order.
    • Good Protein:  Lean meats such as chicken and turkey, or anything grass-fed, eggs, game meat, whey protein, but NO SOY! 
    • Good Fats:  Butter from grass-fed cows, coconut products, extra virgin olive oil, walnut oil, flax seed oil, avocados, raw nuts such as: almonds, walnuts, and peanuts and peanut butter sparingly. 
    • Good Carbs:  Vegetables of all kinds, but especially greens like broccoli and spinach, and colorful varieties like red bell peppers and carrots.
Good luck!!

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