Thursday, October 11, 2012

Stability Discs - How to Improve Balance & Core

So you've seen those little pillows of air in the gym.  You may have seen someone standing on them.  But what are they and what are they for?  Those pillows of air are stability (or balance) discs and you can do a variety of exercises on them to improve your balance and strengthen your core.  Just for some background information, refer back to our blog entries on balance and core.

Remember, balance exercises aren't just for the elderly.  Everyone should take some time to perform balance exercises to improve core strength and to increase strength in the ligaments of the ankles.  If you are a runner and do any trail running or compete in cross country or mud runs, balance exercises are extremely helpful since you participate/compete on uneven surfaces.  Once you master simple balance exercises you can increase the difficulty by performing the same exercises on stability discs.  Here are a few examples of stability disc exercises you can do to improve your balance and core strength.
  1. Bird Dog:
    • Get down on all fours with hands directly under your shoulders and knees under hips.
    • Place a stability disc under your right hand and left knee.
    • Lift and extend your left arm and right leg.
    • Repeat 10-15 times then switch the discs and repeat on the other side.
  2. Squat
    • Stand on 2 stability discs with feet shoulder-width apart.
    • While balancing on the discs perform a squat as low as you can go.
    • Press feet into discs and stand back up.
    • Repeat 10-15 times.
  3. Half-Kneel Run
    • In a half-kneeling position on your left knee, place a stability disc under your right foot.
    • Be sure your left knee is under your hip and right foot is under your right knee.
    • Grasp 5-pound dumbbells in each hand.
    • Sitting up tall, swing arms as fast as you can without twisting your torso.
    • "Run" for 30-60 seconds and repeat on other side.
    • Can be performed with no dumbbells in hands.
  4. Plank/Mountain Climber
    • Place a stability disc under each hand and extend legs back until you are balancing on your hands and toes.
    • Lower hips slightly so you body is in a straight line from shoulders to toes.
    • Be sure your hands are directly under your shoulders.
    • Hold this plank position for 30-60 seconds.
    • To perform the mountain climber, bring one knee into your chest then quickly switch legs.
    • Repeat for 30-60 seconds. 
  5. Curtsy Squat
    • Start with feet shoulder-width apart and hands on hips.
    • Place stability discs in front of you at a diagonal from each leg.
    • Lift right leg off the ground and step in front of left leg at a diagonal so your right foot steps on the disc.
    • Push off with right foot and return to starting position.
    • Repeat with left leg.
    • Repeat both sides 10-15 times.
As a reminder, you should be able to correctly perform each of these exercises WITHOUT the discs BEFORE adding a stability disc to your routine.  Once you've mastered the exercise then add the disc(s) and perform the same move.  A little more difficult, huh?  When balancing on the discs with your hands or your feet, try to keep the pillow of air stable.  In other words, when standing on the disc, try not to allow the toes to go to the ground or the heels...balance yourself on the disc.  You may wobble around a little bit until you become proficient with these exercises.  That's OK...just keep working at it!!

So the next time you are in the gym, try your hand (or foot) at stability disc exercises.  You'll find out just how proficient you are with your balance.  Don't worry if you fall off the discs.  Stand close to a wall or machine so you can hold on in the beginning.  Gradually work your way further from the wall/machine and let your body take over with improving balance.  Good luck!!  Don't forget...if you need assistance with these or any exercises, be sure to talk with a fitness professional.  We are here for you!!

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