Sunday, March 4, 2012

Post-Injury Transition

As much as we would like to think that nothing will ever happen to us that would require physical therapy, at some point you will probably visit a PT clinic.  Maybe you are under a doctor's care right now and you are contemplating a few therapy sessions.  Once you have completed your sessions, how do you transition back into the gym or into your fitness routine?  First of all, you need to take a look at the cause for your injury.  Just because you have completed treatment, you don't want to continue down that same path that caused you to visit the doctor in the first place.  For some, that means if you lead a sedentary life before and it resulted in your injury, then it's time for you to continue with the exercise program you started in physical therapy.

Once you approach the end of your therapy sessions, your therapist will most likely prescribe a "home exercise program" for you.  That means he/she wants to help you transition from physical therapy to performing exercises on your own.  This will allow you to maintain the strength and flexibility gained during your sessions.  During this time, be sure to ask your therapist questions about how to perform each exercise, whether or not there are exercises or movements to avoid, and what symptoms/problems to expect or look for.  The more information you have, the more power you will obtain to stay healthy and injury-free.  If you are a member of a gym, be sure to tell your therapist what types of equipment you will have access to.  Most therapists will assume you are doing these exercises at home and with little or no equipment.  Having access to equipment in the gym may speed along your continued recovery.

Transitioning back into the gym can be easier if you have the right help.  Utilize the knowledge and experience of trained fitness professionals to help design a program that is right for you.  Work with a trainer for a short period of time until you are comfortable with performing your exercise routine on your own again.  Keep in mind how you were injured before and how you can prevent that from happening again.  If you are dealing with a chronic problem, have your trainer help you with strengthening muscles around your injured area(s) so you can lessen the probability of relapses or "flare-ups".

Still need help?  Contact one of our fitness experts at PROMATx Health Club and learn how we can help you.  Don't suffer in pain alone...get back to life...get back in shape...get back to a healthier you!!!

1 comment:

  1. The number one reason why many people succumb to gym injuries is when they are training using weights. It is very rare to hear that a person got a gym injury as a result of doing aerobic exercises. Weight training is a necessary evil because even though it can lead to gym injuries if you ignore all the necessary precautions, it still has plenty of benefits.
    injury attorneys tampa
