Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Breakfast...Skip it or Savor it??

If you are trying to lose weight, one temptation may be to cut out breakfast.  This will help you cut calories, right?  Seems like it might be true, however, this process may be detrimental to your weight loss.  Research has shown that people who are most successful with their weight loss got up and ate breakfast.  Also, people who eat breakfast on a regular basis have healthier levels of vitamins and minerals and tend to eat less fat. 

So how does breakfast help?  Studies have shown people who start their day with a healthy breakfast tend to make healthier choices throughout the day.  The reason for this is skipping your first meal of the day increases hunger levels which ultimately results in consuming more calories at lunch.  See how that negates the calorie loss at breakfast?

Another way breakfast can help is by eating foods higher in protein.  Consumption of higher protein foods in the morning helps to stave off hunger longer.  Protein takes longer for the body to digest and creates a thermic effect meaning it takes more calories to digest it. 

Finally, eating breakfast can give you the energy to get you moving.  Being more active in the morning and throughout the day, helps you to burn calories and improve your chances of losing weight.

Not a breakfast fan?  No one said you have to eat "breakfast food" (i.e., eggs, pancakes, waffles, etc.) in the morning.  Try foods higher in protein like non-fat yogurt or a lean cut of meat.  Add high-fiber, complex carbohydrates like whole grain breads and cereals to help keep you satisfied longer.  Fiber gives you the sense of "fullness" thus preventing you from overeating.

Your breakfast choices should coincide with your weight-loss goals.  Be sure to eat a well-rounded meal with fruits and veggies to get your recommended levels of vitamins and minerals.  So get up and make breakfast.  It really is the most important meal of the day!!

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